Here, we compile the several actions in which our group has been involved to communicate science to the public. Because we are based in Brazil, the resources in this page are mostly in Portuguese -please, contact us if you are interested in more details about it. Most of these actions include collaboration with different labs & institutions, which are directly linked. Educational resources include mainly materials produced by students attending undergrad courses that we teach at UFSC.
Scientia Amabilis
Scientific communication and literacy in Botany
Our team coordinates a project focusing on scientific outreach about plant science on social medias. This project has been mentored by the Cocreation Lab/CTC initiative along 2022. We will be soon launching a website in which all of the content will be compiled.
De Repente, Extraordinária!
Scientific exposition in honor of the 200th anniversary of birth of Fritz Müller
To celebrate the naturalist Fritz Müller, a great team coordinated by prof. Mario Steindel, including the PLENTBio members Suzana Alcantara and Juliana Paula-Souza as scientific consultants in Botany, took part on the outdoor exposition at the BeiraMar Norte from Apr 2nd to May 28th in 2022. The exposition has also a virtual counterpart, and several correlated events occurred along this year.
Educational resources
Activities proposed by students during the Botany & Ecology courses taught by PLENTBio members
- Combate à Cegueira Botânica: público-alvo: acima de 12 anos; atividade: trilha guiada no Parque Municipal Lagoa do Peri em Florianópolis. Autora: Rebeca Códolo Belice (BOT7014/2022-1)
- Diversidade Botânica: público-alvo: 12-13 anos; atividade: observação de plantas e outros seres vivos que vivem em cima das árvores. Autores: Bruna Baleeiro dos Santos; Ian Mecking & Pedro Lobato Indalêncio (BOT7014/2022-1)
- Flores e Frutos de Santa Catarina: público-alvo: 12 anos; atividade: jogo da memória associando flores e frutos de espécies vegetais conhecidas. Autoras: Ana Júlia dos Santos, Antonella Giaroli, Esther Schubert e Maria Luísa Ferreira (BOT7014/2022-1)
News & interviews
Interviews & news about the PLENTBio research projects:
11/04/2022: Série “Fomento Serrapilheira” #2
2020: Divulgação Instituto Serrapilheira: pesquisadores apoiados
15/03/2019: Por dentro do DNA das flores que ressuscitam
16/08/2018: Desafio Serrapilheira: projeto científico explicado para crianças
16/08/2018: Desafio Serrapilheira: projeto científico explicado para especialistas
21/02/2018: Instituto Serrapilheira investe em pesquisa inovadora de professora do departamento de botânica UFSC
10/07/2012: Evolução escrita nos cipós (Revista FAPESP, Edição 200: 74-77)ção-200/
Interviews & comments related to other scientific issues:
11/11/2022: Mesa-redonda sobre a contribuição da UFSC nas pesquisas sobre mudanças climáticas (mediada por Suzana Alcantara)
11/02/2020: Darwin's Day UFSC: Manifestação contra criacionismo na CAPES
27/08/2018: Encontro busca dar visibilidade a cientistas mulheres em SC