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PF Larocca, JS Mancio, P Padilha, R Mello-Silva, S Alcantara. 2022. Recent divergence in functional traits affects rates of speciation in the Neotropical Velloziaceae (Pandanales). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 199: 144-172. doi: 


GAG Rodrigues, D da Silva, MI Ribeiro, OA Loaiza-Loaiza, S Alcantara, RA Komatsu, CJ Barbedo, N Steiner. 2022. What affects the desiccation tolerance threshold of Brazilian Eugenia (Myrtaceae) seeds? Journal of Plant Research 135: 579-591. doi:



J Lovo, S Alcantara, TNC Vasconcelos, MG Sajo, PJ Rudall, G Prenner, AJC Aguiar, R Mello-Silva. 2021. Evolutionary lability in floral ontogeny affects pollination biology in Trimezieae (Iridaceae). American Journal of Botany 108: 828-843. doi:

Suppl material (videos): Floral visits in Pseudotrimezia juncifolia & Pseudotrimezia truncata


GS Teodoro, PB Costa, M Brum, C Signori-Müller, S Alcantara, TE Dawson, AG West, H Lambers, RS Oliveira. 2021. Desiccation tolerance implies costs to productivity but allows survival under extreme drought conditions in Velloziaceae species in campos rupestresEnvironmental and Experimental Botany 189: 104556. doi:


TNC Vasconcelos, S Alcantara, CA Andrino, F Forest, M Reginato, M Simon, JR Pirani, 2020. Fast diversification through a mosaic of evolutionary histories characterizes the endemic flora of ancient Neotropical mountains. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 287: 20192933. doi:

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A Zizka, JG Carvalho-Sobrinho, RT Pennington, LP Queiroz, S Alcantara, DA Baum, CD Bacon, A Antonelli. 2020. Transitions between biomes are common and directional in Bombacoideae (Malvaceae). Journal of Biogeography 47: 1310-1321. doi:


FN Ramos, S Mortara, JP Costa Elias, N Monalisa-Francisco, L Menini Neto, L Freitas, R Kersten, A Amorim, F Bittencourt de Matos, A Freitas, S Alcantara, et. all. 2019. ATLANTIC EPIPHYTES: a data set of vascular and non vascular epiphyte plants and lichens from the Atlantic Forest. Ecology 100: e02541. doi/10.1002/ ecy.2541/suppinfo.


S. Alcantara, RH Ree, R Mello-Silva. 2018. Accelerated diversification and functional trait evolution in Velloziaceae reveal new insights into the origins of the campos rupestres' exceptional floristic richness. Annals of Botany 122: 165-180. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcy063.

Front cover picture Ann Bot 122:


J Carvalho-Sobrinho, LP Queiroz, WS Alverson, S Alcantara, AC Mota, DA Baum. 2016. Revisiting the phylogeny of Bombacoideae (Malvaceae): Novel relationships, morphologically cohesive clades, and a new tribal classification based on multilocus phylogenetic analyses. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 101: 56-74. doi: 10.1016/j.ympev.2016.05.006.


RS Oliveira, A Abrahão, C Pereira, GS Teodoro, M Brum, S Alcantara, H Lambers. 2016. Ecophysiology of Campos Rupestres Plants. In: GW Fernandes (ed.), Ecology and Conservation of Mountaintop Grasslands in Brazil. Springer International Publishing Switzerland. pp: 227-272. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-29808-5_11.


S Alcantara, R Mello-Silva, GS Teodoro, K Drequeceler, DD Ackerly, RS Oliveira. 2015. Carbon assimilation and habitat segregation in resurrection plants: Comparison between desiccation and non-desiccation tolerant species of Neotropical Velloziaceae (Pandanales). Functional Ecology 29: 1499-1512. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12462. 

Front cover picture Funct Ecol 29:


MR Pace, S Alcantara, LG Lohmann, V Angyalossy. Secondary phloem diversity and evolution in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae). 2015. Annals of Botany 116: 333-358. doi:10.1093/aob/mcv106.


S Alcantara, RH Ree, FR Martins, LG Lohmann. 2014. The effect of phylogeny, environment and morphology on communities of a lianescent clade (Bignonieae-Bignoniaceae) in Neotropical biomes. PLoS ONE 9: 3. e90177. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090177


S Alcantara, FB Oliveira, LG Lohmann. 2013. Phenotypic Integration in Flowers of Neotropical Lianas: Diversification of Form with Stasis of Underlying Patterns. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2283-2296. doi: 10.1111/jeb.12228.


F Firetti-Leggieri, L G Lohmann, S Alcantara, I R Costa, J Semir. 2013. Polyploidy and polyembryony in Anemopaegma (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae). Plant Reproduction 26: 43-53. doi: 10.1007/s00497-012-0206-3.


S Alcantara, LG Lohmann. Contrasting phylogenetic signals and evolutionary rates in floral traits of Neotropical lianas. 2011. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 102: 378-390. doi:


MN Umaña, PR Stevenson, S Alcantara, LG Lohmann. 2011. Pollination in the deceptive species Bignonia corymbosa (Bignoniaceae): A plant who deceives their floral visitors. The International Journal of Plant Reproductive Biology 3: 15-22.


S Alcantara, LG Lohmann. 2010. Evolution of floral morphology and pollination system in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae). American Journal of Botany 97: 782-796. doi: 10.3732/ajb.0900182.


M C Nascimento, SF Alcantara, CRB Haddad, FR Martins. 2007. Allelopathic potential of Pouteria torta (Mart.) Radlk., a species of the Brazilian cerrado. Allelopathy Journal 21: 279-287.


S Alcantara, J Semir, V Solferini. 2006. Low genetic structure in an epiphytic Orchidaceae (Oncidium hookeri) in the Atlantic Rainforest of South-eastern Brazil. Annals of Botany 98: 1207-1213. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcl202.

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